Thursday, January 22, 2009

JennieGee back from the dead....almost

For those of you who know me quite well from Atlas Quest, you are probably aware that I have serious health issues that can sometimes take me out of the game for up to several weeks at a time. They usually include the always fun hospital visit, as they did this time, and I just got home from the hospital last night.

Never fear, no matter what ails me I always return, letter boxing and my LB online family are one on the therapies that keep me from going crazy when being sick gets depressing (which is much too often) you special folks can always put a smile on my face.

This chronic illness is one of the reasons I never started a blog sooner, I figured as soon as I committed to something that needed constant attention I would have some kind of severe attack. Of course, that is exactly what happened. So let's hope that it is done with now and we can proceed from here.

I have many packages and AQ mails to go through and I am still pretty weak even if I'm I thousand times better than last week so give me a couple days to get back to you if you have been trying to get a hold of me. I will work away at everything while having little rests in between. I really appreciate your patience and understand. I'll be back in business in no time!

Love to all my special LB friends!



  1. Goodness, I sure hope you're feeling better soon. I know how tough it is to be out of action, especially when it happens more than once.

    Go, fight, win!

  2. I'm glad you're doing better. Hope you have more good days than bad. Take it easy and take care.

  3. So happy to have you "back among the living!" Please take care and rest up!!

  4. I am really glad you are home and feeling better JG. Hugs! -- Butterfly Suzy
